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Good Day,

Hey hope you guys are doing good this day.

Thanks for Tuning in, May We Have Your Attention Please for a Quick Intro:
Okie, let us quickly get introduced to all people who might not know me & my team, even before we get on to seek any further attention from you. My name is Suman Adithya Rao, the founder & Chief Market Strategist of "THE CLUB SHAREWALA" – A Global Stock Market & Economic Research Co. We are purely an internet based company as at this moment & we do not have our physical presence or any office setup any where across the world. So we are occupuying this space, to tell you about our company & off course, also to let you know "what is your take away" in knowing us.

THE CLUB SHAREWALA – A Global Stock market & Economic Research Co. Our success script is purely based on mastering the presence of "investment sentiments" of the global stock market. Our emphasized objective is to clearly get stock markets closer to every person who may or may not have thought a little earlier that "Stocks markets is too clever game to understand & hence cracking it is not that easy". Yes, we are here to clear that myth with our little understanding based on our thorough experience about Stock Markets. Like most of our readers are aware, we always re-iterate that - If you own a company's stock, set a view for yourself as though you own the company & take decisive action on your portfolio. And for those who are in the "knowing" about stock markets, our small thoughts & views expressed by us will help you know the clear distinction between "Knowing & Doing". Knowing & Doing are entirely different given terms coz you might know it all but how much have you given it to implement, is what matters to benefit from stock markets. Ex: Everybody knows about stop loss, how many times have they implemented it religiously? :). If you have, then nothing like it … if no, don't worry, very few in the entire world have this equation right… and you can learn that here.

What's In Store for You?
We offer free, email based publication service which is a daily circulation i.e. 5 days a week & on all stock market trading days. In our mails, you will find 3 sections which are categorically divided. Section 1> Research article which carries all the information about the current days market in India under heading "INDIAN STOCK MARKET TODAY". Section 2> Research articles which carries all information about current world stock markets/economic outlook presented under 3 sub sections - Asian Markets, European Markets & US Markets under the heading "GLOBAL MARKETS NOW". Section 3> This has been our most recognized & popular section amongst our readers from day one. This section has answers to "best chosen questions" asked to us by our readers. This is presented under heading "QUESTIONS ANSWERED". Also you will find many useful Add on's in our mails like – current crude oil price, Gold price, US dollar to INR current rate & many more.

On the Internet, In our Dynamic Web-Log:
This is truly by far one such segment that has helped "The Club Sharewala" get the popular tag, amongst most known Stock Market Geeks across India. We provide Intraday calls for Indian stock markets on our web-log, which is updated every hour or as & when fresh news flows in. Our precision in Intraday calls are carefully monitored & researched under best of given circumstance thoroughly by our chief market strategist Suman Adithya Rao & analyst panel.Most Read on our Web-log: Yes, if people have recognized us for our innovative thinking about markets & for our differential views about Indian & Global economy all through from our initial days, we completely take the onus for standing by it with every view we present & in all articles we publish. Our articles about "Advantage India", "The Bull & Bear Market Cycle", "Question Bank" & "Small Thoughts" have been amongst our most read articles. Quick do a Google search with words "The Club Sharewala" in it, you will get to know us better.

Our Only Expectation from You:
The only thing which we expect from you is, for being responsive & ask us questions. The questions need not be just about articles we present, instead we want you guys to question us at every step. It's not just our analyst that will feed you with food for thoughts about economy, we want every reader to ask such question that makes even our analysts think & give you the best of results. If you felt, there could be instances when the presented view didn't make any sense to you … write to us & we will let you be heard. Our intention is not to present things using fancy words out here, but instead stand by what makes us think in a given way.

Some Sentiments That We Have Adopted for Life @ "THE CLUB SHAREWALA":
"IF TELLING OUT WHAT YOU WOULD DO, YOUR WEAKNESS.. DOING WHAT YOU TOLD SHOULD BE YOUR BIGGEST STRENGTH". REMEMBER: "NO MAN FAILS, IF HE DOES HIS BEST" . With little that we know, we know it for sure that our aim for being known as the progressive stock market research company in India & across the world for its true worth, is not impotent with just a mere rage for standing by it momentarily but instead we are here to be known for life time.

How To Get In Touch With Our Team - THE CLUB SHAREWALA:
Hey first & foremost let us tell you something. Please know that, all services that we are offering at the moment like Dialy Email Newsletter, Research Materials or Articles with Views - is in reach of everybody as it is free of cost. And if are one amongst those people who are tagged to famous thoughts that reads, "all that comes free will have an associated catch & but no benefit" - probably you might take a chance to rethink & fine tune your experience with us, while you read our articles. You could leave us leave us your email ID @
& your ID will get added to our public distribution list. If you noticed over a period of time, that we didn't meet your set expectation please feel free to write to us & we shall discontinue our services being rendered to you with in 24 hours of your request receipt. At the same time, if you felt little good about something about our company do let our analyst panel know about it, we would feel good too.

A warm welcome to you all on this day, To THE CLUB SHAREWALA. A club where all investments & business Idea's speaks for itself, so that it generates views for people who read them. You are Welcome, to join the party!! Get On, To Get The Ball Rolling…. Let's Get It Started, Sooner than before, Quicker than ever!!